Rotary Club of Bhagalpur Bihar - Rotary India

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Total Services 45
BOD 07/2024

A BOD meeting held on dt. 28.02.25, Friday at Hotel Nihar from 7.30. . .

RWM 3108

1. Meeting was called to order by President Rtn. Ram Krishna Jha fo. . .

RWM 3107

1. Meeting called to order by President Rtn. Ram Krishna Jha follow. . .

RWM 3106

1. Meeting called to order by Actg. President PP Rtn Dr. Anjana Pra. . .

RWM 3105

1. Meeting was called to order by Actg. President PP Rtn. Kamal Moh. . .

Republic Day Celebration

76th Republic Day was celebrated on 26th January, 2025 at Hotel Nih. . .

RWM 3104

1. Meeting was called to order by President Rtn. Ram Krishna Jha fo. . .

BOD 06/2024

A BOD was held on 19.1.25.The host was Rtn. Ranjay Tibrewal. Presid. . .

RWM 3103

1. Meeting called to order by President Rtn. Ram Krishna Jha follow. . .

RWM 3102 cum Rotrylet night

1. Meeting was called to order by President Rtn. Ram Krishna Jha fo. . .

RWM 3101

1. Meeting was called to order by Acting President Rtn. Binod Baid . . .

RWM 3100

1. Meeting was called to order by President Rtn. Ram Krishna Jha fo. . .

BOD 05/2024

BOD was called by Alok Agarwal, Benefits and distribution of wheel . . .

RWM 3099

1. Meeting called to order by President Rtn. Ramkrishna Jha followe. . .

RWM 3098

1. Meeting was called to order by President Rtn. Ram Krishna Jha fo. . .

RWM 3097

1. Meeting was called to order by Acting President Rtn. Dr Rajesh K. . .

BOD 04/2024

A BOD was held on 28th November 2024 at Hotel Nihar. Presidents/IP . . .

RWM 3096

1. Meeting was called to order by President Rtn. Ram Krishna Jha fo. . .

RWM 3095

1. Meeting was called to order by Vice President Rtn. Arvind Kumar . . .

RWM 3094

1. Meeting was called to order by President Rtn. Ram Krishna Jha fo. . .